ISEE Prep Courses, for Boys
About the Program
Our ISEE Prep Course prepares young men for the Independent School Entrance Exam. As of this year, all Catholic high schools and most private schools are using the ISEE as their entrance exam. This course is designed to help students become familiar with the ISEE by taking timed practice tests in a real test-taking environment. Each question on the test will be reviewed by an instructor who will explain how to answer more efficiently and effectively, while also giving general test-taking tips. A complete course is 4 days long, with 2.5 hours of class time each day.
Sign up and pay
Please note that this course is NOT a remedial tutoring program. We will cover all of the concepts presented by the test, but we will not spend time tutoring each student on a specific concept that may not have been covered at his school. When receiving his scores, each participant will know the specific areas in which he needs to improve and may be advised to seek tutorial help outside of our course. Needless to say, if a student is not engaged in his regular classes and homework, he will probably not benefit much from our program.
While the ISEE is a very important part of the high school application process, there are other essential factors which determine acceptance to particular schools; namely, grade point average, teacher recommendations, and a personal essay. During the course, we will give general tips in these three areas and a provide students with possible essay questions common to local Houston schools.
2021-2022 ISEE Prep Course Registration
Cost & Registration
Register and pay directly
through a "Sign Up" button
ISEE Session 2 - Closed
8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
November 6
November 13
November 20
December 4