Club Anvil
About the Program
Club Anvil forms 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in an atmosphere of freedom, friendship, and fun. In this crucial transition-age before high school, the boys develop their freedom to choose the good on their own initiative. They grow in friendship with boys who have similar values. They learn to have active rather than passive fun that is demanding, engaging, and creative. The club meets after school twice a month and includes time for reading, prayer, sports, dinner, and a virtue talk.
The Club meets as two groups: Boys in grades 6 & 7 meet as one group, and boys in 8th grade as another.
Membership Requirements:
In order to participate in Club Anvil, boys must personally desire to be part of the Club, to pursue its aims, and to be challenged to grow as virtuous leaders.
For Dads
About once a month dads are invited for pizza and camaraderie from 6:00 – 7:00. Sometimes we listen to a short podcast about fatherhood and then hash out our thoughts on it or we just hang out and talk until it’s time to drive the boys home. ​
For Counselors
Those interested in applying to be a counselor should see the following page for requirements:
6th and 7th Grade
8th Grade
1st and 3rd Friday of the month
during the school year
(Beginning on Sept. 6th)
2nd and 4th Friday of the month*
during the school year
(Beginning on Sept. 13th)
Transportation is offered from Western Academy to Westcott after school, departing at 3:30pm. Parents will need to pick up their sons at the end of the program from Westcott at 7:00pm.
Cost & Registration
Register directly through a "Sign Up" button
Pay Separately though the "Pay Now" button
6th/7th Grade Club Anvil Dates | 8th Grade Club Anvil Dates |
09/06/2024 | 09/13/2024 |
10/04/2024 | 09/27/2024 |
10/18/2024 | 10/11/2024 |
11/01/2024 | 10/25/2024 |
11/15/2024 | 11/08/2024 |
12/06/2024 | 11/22/2024 |
12/20/2024 | 12/13/2024 |
01/17/2025 | 01/10/2025 |
02/07/2025 | 01/24/2025 |
02/21/2025 | 01/31/2025 |
03/07/2025 | 02/14/2025 |
03/21/2025 | 02/28/2025 |
04/04/2025 | 03/28/2025 |
05/02/2025 | 04/11/2025 |
05/09/2025 |