Club Forge
About the Program
"Turn up the heat!"
Club Forge is a friendship and character-building club for boys entering grades 3 through 5 and their fathers. The club has 3 aims: First, to imbue the boys with a desire to be men of virtue and to give them some of the tools they need to reach that goal. Second, to provide the dads an opportunity where they can lead their sons in collaborative and fun activities. And third, to be a venue to foster friendship in an environment of good leisure and formation.
In a fun and manly environment, Club Forge activities require close collaboration between fathers and their sons. These activities are not necessarily easy. Some require skill with tools or with artistic creativity (which may be lacking). Some activities are awkward or frustrating given a lack of experience or limited time. But these activities are opportunities for fathers to show their sons leadership, since they must work together in a shared task. The activity will allow fathers to demonstrate virtues such as patience, perseverance, order and humility. The product of each father-son team will be seen and recognized by the group: the launch of a rocket, the display of a jack-o-lantern, load testing of a spaghetti-marshmallow structure or the performance of a funny skit to name a few.
These days more than ever, boys are looking to their fathers for guidance, example, optimism and love. During Club Forge meetings each month, fathers and sons can get together and have more focused time in meaningful, formative activities and extreme fun.
Club Forge meetings will take place at the Westcott Study Center every 3rd Sunday of each month from 2:45pm - 5:45pm.

What are the goals for the boys?
To begin thinking about what kind of men they want to be when they grow up
To learn about some fundamental virtues and how they can live them
To engage in fun cooperative activities with their fathers
To become friends with other boys outside of the school environment who are seeking the same goals
What are the goals for the fathers?
To spend focused time collaborating with their sons in activities that allow them to exercise their leadership and demonstrate virtues
To better understand and articulate the virtues and see how they can help their sons acquire them
To have more occasions for the conversations they want to have with their sons about deeper subjects
To form friendships with other fathers who are also interested in developing their son's character
Dates, 2024-25
(Every third Sunday of the month)
September 15 (Cookout/Info Session)
October 20
November 17
December 15
January 19
February 16
March 16
April 20
May 18
2:45pm - Arrival
3:00pm - Main Activity
4:00pm - Talk for Fathers;
Short Activity for the boys
4:30pm - Talk for Sons (Fathers present)
5:00pm - Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
(Confessions available)
5:15pm - Snack and get-together
5:45pm - Depart
Sample Activities and Talk Topics:
How to build a fire
How to change a car tire
Steak grilling competition
Build and launch model rockets
Build and launch water rockets
Guest speaker from NASA
Bike the bayou
Team charades
Magic tricks
Chess tournament
Human Stratego
Pumpkin carving
Foam sword dueling
Feeding the homeless
BB gun shooting
How to juggle
Talks for Fathers
The True Purpose of Discipline
Educating in Friendship
Educating in Temperance
The Importance of a Father’s Example
Educating in Human Love & Sexuality
Naming the Virtues
The Temperaments
Talks for Sons
The cost for the school year is $150 per father-son pair. Additional sons can be added at $75 each.