LCT - Staff, Summer 2025
About the Camp
Leadership Camp Texas is a 1-week summer camp to help boys entering 5th - 8th grades to develop into fine, hard-working and courageous men who can be leaders among their peers. Through cabin competitions, night games, Xtreme olympics, and many more LCT activities, the boys have a ton of fun while at the same time growing in manliness and virtue. The camp's full, well-balanced schedule is designed to motivate the boys to use their talents in order to lead and serve others while developing strong friendships.
The dates for LCT 2025 are Thursday, June 26 - Friday, July 4. Part of this is a training workshop Thursday, June 26 - Saturday, June 28, which is mandatory for all staff. LCT will take place at Stoney Creek Ranch in Columbus, TX. You can check out Stoney Creek's website to check out the facilities.
The adventure that is LCT is a serious undertaking that can have a powerful, positive impact on both campers and staff. The fact that you are interested in serving as a staff member at LCT says something significant about who you are as a person. If you persevere through the application, training, and camp week you will grow as a young man of generosity, service, and responsibility. Please click below to enter the application page.
Staff Training (Required):
June 26 - June 28
Camp Dates:
June 28 - July 4